One of the best way to grow your relationship with Jesus is to get involved. We encourage you to to explore our ministry opportunities and find the area or areas best suited for you to grow and serve others.
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. (Romans 12:6)
Do you have any special talents or skills that you are willing to share with your church family and community? As members of the Body of Christ we are all equipped with vigorous gifts of the Spirit. Explore the list of Ministries on the next few pages to see where your talents and skills can be used most effectively. Most ministries need assistance and welcome new members. We encourage you to team up with a Ministry, sharpen your skills or learn new ones to glorify God, to bless others, and to improve your Christian walk.
Blue Diamonds
The Full Impact Blue Diamonds is the spiritual dance team of the church.
Blue Pearls
The Full Impact Blue Pearls is a youth spiritual dance team.
Children and Youth Ministries
Children and Youth Ministries should be a spiritual, fun, and biblically based year-round development program for children and youth between the ages of 3 and 18 years of age. The program of development should include offerings such as learning the books of the Bible, memorizing Bible passages, reading scripture, and participating in community service. Age appropriate children and youth may also, over the course of the year participate in exciting organized youth activities such as bowling, camping, movies, college visitations, etc.
Church Administration (Appointment Only)
Assist church leadership in the administrative functions of the church. Duties would include making copies, typing letters, making phone calls, taking notes and/or other administrative functions that may be needed.
Culinary Ministry
To support Full Impact’s fellowship functions involving food and beverages, ensuring they are planned and executed in a cost effective and organized manner.
Deacon Ministries (Appointment Only)
The Deacons’ primary responsibility is the spiritual concerns of the church family. Deacons visit the sick and shut-in members and assist in preparing the male candidates for Baptism. They act as counselors and assistants to the Pastor.
Deaconess Ministry (Appointment Only)
The Deaconess' responsibility is to be a Christ-like example for other Christian women. They are responsible for the setting and upkeep of the communion table for the Lord's Supper; providing assistance to female candidates for baptism; and cooperating with the pastor and deacons in visiting the sick and shut-in members.
Greeters/Ushers & Welcoming Committee To greet and welcome to our services, Christian and Non-Christian visitors, as well as Full Impact members, embracing them with expressions of warmth and care. To facilitate the completion of visitors’ cards; and to learn the names, and answer any concerns of visitors and new members. To respond to the emergent needs of the Leadership when needed.
Intercessory Prayers
One of many kinds of prayer is the prayer of petition. Intercession is a form of petition. It is petitioning God in the place of another person (Ezekiel 22:30; 13:5; Psalm 106:23). Intercession implies that a person is unable or unwilling to petition God on his own behalf and that the Lord sometimes permits us to substitute for other in prayer. Because God has given us authority (Genesis 1:28) that He will not usurp, and because He will not usually impose His blessings on us, intercession makes a great difference to the Body of Christ. We don’t receive because we don’t ask (James 4:3). Intercession often is the difference between life and death, war and peace, healing or sickness, success or failure.
The Intercessory Prayer Ministry will devote time to encourage and assist members experiencing difficulties; to attend to those members who are sick and shut-in; and to ensure appropriate responses are made to members’ prayer request (James 1:27; 5:1320). The Intercessory Prayer Ministry will also devote time praying for the Church Services, members, the community and the Pastor.
Marriage Ministry
To facilitate and promote healthy spiritual development of Christian marriage relationships. To conduct classes and forums designed to inform couples on biblical and practical instructions on God’s will for marriage and family life as well as addressing real life issues that face married couples and families.
Men of Impact (Men’s Ministry)
To encourage men to a greater commitment to God and family; to facilitate individual maturity and progress which is achieved through the ongoing interaction between men and God. The men’s ministry is to be a place for finding a Mentor or becoming a mentor where men can participate in discussing topical issues relevant to men.
New Members Classes
To provide new believers with basic bible doctrine and church member responsibilities and opportunities in an effort to help them along in their new Christian journey.
Outreach Ministry
The Outreach Ministry seeks to develop opportunities to reach out to the community with programs designed to reach the lost and the disconnected for Jesus Christ.
Pastor's Aide
The pastor's aide committee assists the pastor and his family with various needs, in a moral, spiritual, and financial sense. They keep track of the pastor's birthday, and his family's birthdays and other special anniversaries, and may plan activities or parties for these events. They put together special activities for holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Pastor's Appreciation Day, and assist the pastor in whatever he may need to best meet his goals for serving the church.
Pastoral Care
Providing Pastoral Care to our members and their family is a priority. Through hospital visitation, immediate care for families in crisis (death, or other emergency), and ministry to those who are recovering from severe illness or shut-in, Full Impact desires to minister as Jesus did and instructed.
Our Pastoral Care Ministry focuses on individual, marriage, and family needs such as:
Pre-Marital Counseling
Transitional Life Stages
Parenting Skills & Problem Solving
Marriage Conflict Resolution
Terminal Illness
Grief Recovery
Addiction Recovery
Spiritual Conflict
Marriage Counseling & Enrichment
Crises Intervention
Anger Management
Funeral Services
Wedding Services
Baby Dedications
The Pastoral Care Ministry will serve as the point of contact for these ministry needs and making arrangements for Pastor visitation and Counseling Services when necessary.
Praise & Worship
The Worship Ministry encompasses musicians and singers who use their musical talent to lead the church in corporate praise and worship.
Social Media, Internet & Marketing Ministry
The Social Media Ministry will work to promote the ministry of the church and its services through various social media outlets.
Women of Impact (Women’s Ministry)
To provide an atmosphere where women can learn to live and grow spiritually through Bible study. This is also an opportunity for women to engage in an open forum to present questions and search out biblical answers for a clearer understanding of issues facing women on a daily basis. The Women of Impact provides an environment for women to encourage each other to grow and develop and closer relationship with God as well as providing opportunities for women to share their experiences with each other to help each other overcome personal and spiritual struggles.
Young Adult Ministry (Ages 18-25)
To provide comprehensive bible studies on varying topics for ages 18-25 to enhance biblical knowledge, increase spiritual growth, provide a spiritual support group as well as practical advice to real life issues facing young adults.

Every Sunday 1:00 PM
Every Tuesday 7:00 PM